Sunday, April 29, 2012

red hair in full or half profile

Carl Forup

Anders Zorn

Toulouse Lautrec

I love the background and the way he used the blue line,
 sometimes it's shadow and sometimes reflection. 


Max Buri

Albert Edelfeldt


Toulouse Lautrec
"Madame Lily Grenier"

Jan Thoorop

Anna Baklane
Latvian Contemporary

Childe Hassam
"Against the light"

Elisabeth Jerichau Baumann
Re blogged from the site with the ugly owner stamp

Paula Modersohn Becker
"Farmer woman"


Fredrick Leighton

Sophie Anderson


Ferdinand Kitt

Carl Larsson


Guy Pene de Bois

Harold Gilman
Re blogged from Abacus Gallery
Harold Gilman the English artist is one of my favorite painters, he is an outstanding colourist . The light and shadows in his paintings are  glowing. I don't know any other painter who measure up to this knowledge when it comes to creating color harmonies.He is also one of the few who uses pink .

Harold Gilman

Harold Gilman
"Portrait of Sylvia Gosse"

Do compare the 3  Gilman portraits  and look how the  harmonies changes temperature.
Compare him to the other artists in this post and look how he color wise is on a totally different
 and much more advanced level. It is like music some composers make harmonies that are outstanding
 and in a way unrealistic because they are so fare from what everyone else do.
No automation in it, this is created rather than recreated.

Artist not Known

Edmund Blair Leighton

Sir Frances Dicksee
"Portrait  of Agnes"

Elisabeth Sonrel

Jules Ballavoine

Anna Lee Stacey
"So Long"

1 comment:

  1. Hej. Det er en interessant blog.Jeg har lavet en side på Facebook med kunst af Carl Forup og vil meget gerne vise dit billede der, hvis det er ok. Jeg tror for øvrigt, at modellen var Carl Forups søster.

    Med venlig hilsen, Mikael
