Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Redheads on E-bay

Just found an amazing site for miniature portraits on E-bay , 
all pictures are for sale and lies from 300 $ and up.
One little masterpiece after the other . This Austrian Gallery has excellent taste in their choices
and show high artistic quality. One thing that disturbs me are their ugly watermarks.
Do consider if you add a watermark to place it,
 where it doesn't destroy the face, hair or fine lace work in the clothes. 
I get very irritated from kids who spay their names on walls everywhere
 and this is a similar sort of  vandalism. You can't praise yourself of aesthetic
taste if you don't care where you add your watermark.
So to the owners of Winitsky.com do consider moving the watermarks to the side of the pictures!
A badly placed Watermark can take away your lust to buy a picture.
Treat the pictures with admiration they deserv!

Friedrich Johann Gottlieb Leider

Portrait of a Lady (Close up)

I took the liberty to remove the ugly watermark across her adoring face.
Hope someone will discover this excellent  picture and buy it. It deserves to be loved and admired!


Here you see an example of a typical owner stamp.
It is a wonderful small portrait she is so fine and content
and then the gallery slam a text straight trough her face.

John L. Richie
Mother and child.

How can anyone sell their family portraits? Look what a beautiful little red haired girl
I'd settle any time for a very fine view like this  picture from Wilnitsky's gallery.

John L Richie

Here you see the whole family, the father must have had bright red hair when younger.
It is strange though if I was commissioned to do two portraits of a family like this I would have turned  the people against each other, so the pictures could hang next to each other or on each side of a fireplace.

Artist Unknown
Portraits of a Lady

Her tiara fell down to one side and the artist didn't notice
when he or she painted this woman.
This Picture is also for sale on Wilnitskys Ebay account.

Fine little locker with double portraits

Unknown artist
And another little french lovely couple. Look how she blushes.

Stunning  little portrait of lady

I removed the owner signs who went trough the faces  so you can see how fine they are painted.

It's signed  Henner  with fine writing on her left shoulder.

Artist unknown

This gallery has many more fine pictures of Redheads
 that I intend  to promote. But today is a busy day for me,
 so you will have to look for yourself or wait for my next move.
See you later with
Love from Pia

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