Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Redheads dream

The summer is almost gone ,here on Bornholm in Denmark we 
were lucky with the weather. I have painted and had no Internet, Radio or Television.
It is amazing how many hours one can gain each day without this dream boxes!
Spend much time together with Maria Björklund,
 my sweet, inspiring and  talented Artist friend from Sweden.
We painted portraits of each other and  embroidered and sew ,
we discussed Art and cooked Turkish dishes.
And we started planning series of exhibitions  about our
oriental paintings and love for the Ottoman period.
 Using the fabulous  antique clothes we each
collected trough out  the years.
A fantastic summer that will bear many fruits.
But it has been a long time since my last posting.
My niece Anna slept in the house one night and I have started a painting of her.
Which also inspired to a new posting.
I have to be sure that I don't unintentionally copy some
 other artists sleeping beauty!

So here  comes a new amount of Redheads.

People with red hair also rest or sleep ,
but they are specially lovely lying there so calm with fire burning like crazy around their faces.
Look for yourself!

Juan Luna

Karoly Ferenczy

Angelica Kristenson Aurelius
A wonderful painting of my talented fellow student from the Academy time 
Angelica ,who herself was the most radiating beauty of a red haired woman that I have ever meat.
I follow her production with great admiration.

This artists name skipped my attention.

Louis Ritman

Edward Povey

A man a man!!!! My kingdom for a man!! So few of them are red haired in Art!


Fernand Cormon

Robert  Bereny

Toulouse De Lautrec

Edward Killingworth

William Merrit Chase

Paul Brown

Odalisque on Cigarette box

Viktor Gabriel Gilbert

Unknown to me.

Albert Joseph Moore

Arthur Hughes

Aaron Weizenfeld

Charles Sims

Federico Zandomeneghi

Frederik Carl Frieseke

Wonderful picture! her hair can weigh up all that turquoise color!

I'll add my new picture of Anna here when its ready.
Have a nice October!

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