To Ellen

This blog is made to the honor of my grandmother Ellen Elisabeth Thomsen who was a modern woman .
She was born in Randers in Denmark 1895 and died in Copenhagen 1976.
She had long salmon red hair down to her hips. It was braided and put up with lots of hairpins to make it look short.

Monday, September 21, 2015

Mature men with either red hair, red beard or both.

More red haired and or red whiskered or red bearded men

Louis Kolitz
Portrait of Sir Joseph Archer Crowe

Unknown Artist
Fine miniature Portrait 

Carlos Duran

Sir William Black Rickmont
Portait of William Holman Hunt

William Page

Sir William Orphen
Portrait of Augustus John

Benjamin Ewans
Portrait of Augustus John

Boris Kutstodiev

Jozef Chemnonski

A redhaird Turk.

Sigismund Righini
Self portrait

Auguste Herbin
Portrait of K Muhsam

Federico Barocci

Sigismund Righini
Self Portrait

Bernhart Strigel
Portrait of Maximillian the first
I wanted to show this portrait because it is the first time I see red hair with black beard.Normally it is the  other way around as in the  portraits abowe

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